Skyjo Action

by Amazon
Type: Card Games

In Skyjo Action, each player has 12 cards in a 3x4 pattern, two of which are visible, all others are hidden. On your turn, you can take the top card from the discard pile or draw from the pile. You can swap a card (hidden or open) from your display with this one, or discard the drawn card and turn a card face up.

If you line up the same number 3 times in a row or column, you can discard the cards. The round ends when a player has only open cards left. All cards will be revealed and points will be added for each player (cards are ranked from -2 to 12). The game ends when a player reaches 100 points or more. The player with the lowest score wins.

ou get an action card every time you put or reveal a joker in your tableau, or you can take an action card instead of a normal move. Jokers make it easier to collect sets and are very valuable sets in themselves (-10 or -15 points).