Mayor of Evercent Springs

Type: Strategy

Mayor of Evercent Springs™ is the dynamic strategy game where tactics, luck and bribes are some of the tools to win.

In this 4-player game, the object of the game is to be appointed Mayor of Evercent Springs. This is done by becoming the first Candidate to unlock the door to Evercent Springs with your Silver Key. Each Candidate is provided with 7 Companions to assist and fight for them; players must use them to stop their opponents from reaching the door while at the same time protecting their own Candidate and Silver Keys.

At the start of the game, each Candidate has a Silver Key and one Companion from each town carries a Spare Key. If you lose both Keys, your hopes of becoming Mayor are over and you are out of the game.

During the game you will face many challenges, including opponents, pubs, holes, havens, bribes, and the Council.

4 players

Ages 12+

30-90 minute play time


1 Game board

4 Candidates

28 Companions

50 Golden coins

4 Council's List

1 Price List

16 Hole tiles

4 Haven tiles

28 Key