Someone Has Died

Type: Party

Someone Has Died, and you're invited to the will arbitration! This isn't your typical somber affair; it's a party game where humor and improvisation are the keys to inheritance. Forget mourning; it's time to put on your best suit, your most convincing persona, and battle it out with other opportunistic characters, all vying for a piece of the dearly departed's estate.

Picture this: A wealthy and eccentric individual has passed away, leaving behind a will shrouded in mystery and a fortune that everyone wants a piece of. The catch? The will is being decided by a capricious and slightly unhinged arbiter who enjoys pitting potential heirs against each other in a battle of wits, charm, and sheer absurdity.

As a player, you'll take on a role unlike any other. Maybe you're the deceased's long-lost third cousin twice removed, or perhaps their childhood pet goldfish, miraculously turned human. Whoever you are, you've got a story to tell and a claim to stake. With a hand of cards to guide your backstory, you must improvise and persuade your way to wealth, weaving tales so outlandish and heartfelt that the arbiter can't help but be swayed.

But beware, for you are not alone in your quest for the riches. Other players, equally determined and deceitful, will spin their own ridiculous stories, challenge your claims, and do whatever it takes to outshine you in the arbiter's eyes. It's like a game of poker, if poker involved convincing everyone that you were the deceased's secret salsa dancing partner.

Someone Has Died is a rollercoaster of improvisation, storytelling, and downright absurdity. It's perfect for those who love to think on their feet and have a penchant for the dramatic. Throughout the game, you'll find yourself caught between laughter and disbelief, as each player unveils their increasingly bizarre connections to the dearly departed.

This game is not just about winning; it's about the journey - a hilarious, unpredictable journey filled with twists, turns, and a lot of "Wait, did you just say you were abducted by aliens with the deceased?" Whether you walk away with the inheritance or not, you'll leave with stories that you'll be retelling for years to come.

So, gather your friends, don your most outlandish persona, and prepare to dive into the wacky world of Someone Has Died. It's a testament to the fact that laughter truly is the best medicine, even in the face of inheritance-based adversity. May the best (or most outrageous) heir win!