The Red Box: Because Cards Against Humanity Wasn’t Edgy Enough

The Red Box: Because Cards Against Humanity Wasn’t Edgy Enough

The Red Box: Because Cards Against Humanity Wasn’t Edgy Enough

Well, folks, just when you thought your game nights couldn't get any more outrageous, along comes the Red Box expansion of Cards Against Humanity (CAH) – because, apparently, our sense of humor was just too darn wholesome.


For those of you who have been living under a rock (a very quiet, polite rock), Cards Against Humanity is the party game for horrible people. It’s like someone took every politically incorrect, socially taboo, and irreverently offensive thought that popped into your head, and put it on cards. Now, add the Red Box into this mix, and you've got the spicy meatball that your game nights have been missing!


What’s in the Box?


The Red Box contains 300 cards that the creators of CAH claim to have toiled over, like a coven of witches over a cauldron, to ensure that you question both your morals and your friendships by the end of the night. This box is essentially the Frankenstein’s monster of CAH expansions, piecing together 230 white cards and 70 black cards from the First, Second, and Third expansions.


The Ice-Breaker From Hell


Planning a quaint get-together with your new in-laws? Want to make a memorable impression at your next company party? The Red Box is your go-to accomplice for turning any mundane gathering into a circus of shock, awe, and the occasional uncomfortable snort-laugh that says, “I’m going to hell for finding this funny.”


"But Is It Funny?" You Ask


Yes, Susan, it’s hilarious—assuming your sense of humor is as dark as a coffee aficionado’s preferred roast. If you don’t believe me, try playing a few rounds with Aunt Gertrude and see if she doesn’t spit her dentures out laughing. I mean, nothing says family bonding like a card that makes everyone at the table simultaneously gasp and cackle.


Expanding Your Horizons... And Your Game


If you’ve ever played CAH and thought to yourself, “This could use more references to questionable life choices and unsolicited opinions,” then, congratulations, the Red Box has heard your silent pleas. Its cards add a certain je ne sais quoi to the base game, which, loosely translated, means “I don’t know what,” but in the context of CAH, likely translates to “I know exactly what, and I’m not sure I should say it out loud.”


The Art of Subtlety (Or Lack Thereof)


Let’s talk strategy, because yes, even in a game that’s about as subtle as a flying mallet, there is a method to the madness. The Red Box is for those who have mastered the poker face required to drop a card like “A windmill full of corpses” without flinching while your friend Steve is still giggling about a card from the last round involving a sad hand job.


Play It Right: Social Tips for the Socially Inept


1. Know Your Audience: This isn’t the game you bring to the baby shower unless it’s for Rosemary’s baby.


2. Embrace the Chaos: The Red Box isn’t about winning; it’s about going down with the ship, the band playing as you’re laughing too hard to realize you’ve lost all your points.


3. Hydrate: You’ll need plenty of water to wash down all the salt from the tears of laughter (or is it despair?).


A Disclaimer for the Disheartened


It’s a game designed to offend, so if you find yourself clutching pearls at a joke about gluten-free communion wafers, the Red Box might not be your cup of tea – perhaps more of a shot of whiskey.


For the Love of the Game


Cards Against Humanity, with its Red Box expansion, transcends what it means to be just a card game. It’s a social experiment wrapped in a satire, dipped in a parody, and sprinkled with a dash of “too soon?” It’s the perfect way to find out who your friends really are – and which ones have a Google search history that could warrant a small-scale investigation.


Closing Thoughts: A Box That's Red, Cards That Are Blue


The Red Box will have you laughing, cringing, and possibly searching for new friends. But isn’t that the beauty of it? In a world full of uncertainty, at least we can be sure of one thing: our ability to make fun of it all with a handful of cards and a box full of absurdity.


So, deal yourself in, play the Red Box, and remember: when someone pulls the card that says, “It’s not giving up if you just stop trying,” it’s probably time to start worrying about the company you keep. Happy gaming!