Throw Throw Avocado: The Squishy Sequel to the Party Game World Needed (or Did We?)

Throw Throw Avocado: The Squishy Sequel to the Party Game World Needed (or Did We?)

Throw Throw Avocado: The Squishy Sequel to the Party Game World Needed (or Did We?)

When the world was graced with Throw Throw Burrito, we thought we had reached the pinnacle of what it meant to "play with your food." It was a time of innocence, a time of joy, a time of burrito bruises. But just when we thought it was safe to go back into the kitchen, along came Throw Throw Avocado, a game that guac-ed our world and proved that, yes, avocados are good for more than just toast and trendy brunches.


The name itself, Throw Throw Avocado, is a stroke of genius—a hat tip to the art of simplicity. Why overcomplicate things? It’s a game that involves two of humanity's favorite pastimes: throwing stuff and avocados. It's like the creators sat in a room and thought, "What do millennials love? Let's make it throwable!"


So, how does this pulpy, pit-packed parody pan out? For starters, it's the brainchild of the same folks who brought dodgeball into the living room, minus the gym teacher's whistle and the stench of middle school angst. In Throw Throw Avocado, players duke it out by collecting cards while dodging squishy avocados. Yes, it's as chaotic as it sounds, and yes, you will find avocado-shaped welts on your body.


The game's premise is deceptively simple: draw cards, play pairs, and try not to get hit by flying avocados. But anyone who's played Throw Throw Burrito knows it's the deception that gets you. You think you're in for a friendly game of fruit toss, but before you know it, you're locked in an epic battle of wits, reflexes, and produce.


The addition of new cards like "Brawl," "War," and "Duel" are delightful ways to escalate the conflict. Brawl has you vying for the same card in a melee that would make a farmers' market proud. War is a shouty game of chicken, and Duel—oh, Duel—turns friends into frenemies quicker than you can say "Holy guacamole!"


But let's talk about the true stars: the avocados. They're not your average avocados. These little guys are rubbery, bouncy, and have the most adorable menacing faces drawn on them. They're designed to be thrown, which means you'll be finding them in places you never expected—bookshelves, plant pots, the hood of your car, or nestled in your chandelier, looking down at you like an overripe green Batman.


Throw Throw Avocado ups the ante with a "Fear Me" badge, which, as the name suggests, turns you into the Most Wanted at the salad bar. Whoever has the badge at the end of the game earns extra points, making them the top avocado in the grocery store of glory.


Playing the game requires a mix of strategy and the physical agility of a ninja—or at least the agility of someone who's trying to catch their phone midair after dropping it. You're not just sitting around, waiting for your turn. You're on high alert, eyeing your opponents with the suspicion of someone guarding their guac at a Super Bowl party.


But it's not all about throwing. There's also a delicate dance of dodging, diving, and defending. You haven't lived until you've seen your Aunt Marge dive behind a couch to escape a rogue avocado. And nothing says "holiday gathering" quite like grandpa, armed with a squishy avocado, yelling, "En garde!"


Amidst the chaos, you might stop to ponder: Who came up with this avo-madness? What kind of beautiful, twisted mind believes that food fights are a tabletop genre waiting to be explored? And, most importantly, where can we send the thank-you card?


In truth, Throw Throw Avocado isn't just a game—it's a lifestyle. It's about living on the edge (of your seat), about being ready for anything (especially airborne fruits), and about embracing the absurdity of hurling avocados in the name of victory.


It’s important to note the therapeutic potential here. Had a bad day? Throw an avocado. Stressed about work? Throw an avocado. Can't understand why avocados are always either hard as rocks or mushier than a reality TV breakup? Well, you can't throw those avocados, but you get the idea.


And what of the casualties, you ask? The brave souls who’ve taken a squishy to the noggin in the heat of battle? They are not victims but warriors, marked by the badge of honor that only a game like this can bestow. They'll tell their war stories with pride. "It was 'Namaste' until the avocados came out," they'll say, eyes misty with reminiscence.


Wapping It Up


In conclusion, Throw Throw Avocado isn't just a game; it's a revolution. It has taken the party game genre, mashed it up, and seasoned it with just the right amount of spice. So gather your friends, clear the living room (and maybe hide the breakables), and prepare for an unforgettable night of avo-mania.


Next time you see an avocado at the store, give it a little wink. You both know it's destined for greater things than just being a spread. It's got a date with destiny, a collision course with comedy, and a rendezvous with your reflexes.


To the uninitiated, we say: Welcome to the age of Throw Throw Avocado. May your aim be true, your cards be many, and your avocados ever squishy.