Gulp The Drinking Trivia Game

by Asmodee
Type: Mature

GULP The Drinking Trivia Game

Science says intelligent people tend to drink more.

Well, all you witty people, here's your chance to shine. And as for the rest of you, get ready to drink!

In Gulp, you play by drinking. Each player gets a clear cup that has A, B, C, and D, and 0 - 100 marked on it.

Each turn, a player reads a multiplechoice or number-based question from a question card.

Players then indicate by drinking down, or refilling, to their selected answer!

First player to 10 points wins!

While you might not get any smarter playing Gulp, you will learn a bunch of useless facts, and, of course have a good time!

It's a race to become the richest pirate at the party! Players need to sail, battle, and plunder to win, but they better keep their crew fed, or they might have a mutiny on their hands.

A tongue-in-cheek, and drink in hand, trivia game, Gulp's questions are all nonsensical and useless information.

Perfect for keeping the party light-hearted!

Gulp's unique take on trivia is sure to make it stand out from other trivia games and quickly become a crowd pleaser at parties.