Hollow D100: Ancient Red Copper

by Alibaba
Type: Dice

The Hollow D100 in Ancient Red Copper is not merely a dice, it's a relic of a bygone era, a testament to the craftsmanship of an ancient, perhaps mystical civilization. Picture this: a geometrically perfect 100-sided polygon, each face meticulously crafted to equilibrate the odds of fate. The material, an ancient red copper, speaks of an epoch when metallurgy was akin to alchemy. This hue of copper isn't the bright, new penny kind; it's the kind that tells stories of age and nobility, with a patina that whispers tales of long-forgotten battles and the hands of kings and sorcerers that once coveted it.

But it's not just the material that makes this D100 extraordinary. It's hollow - a remarkable feat, like a metallic bubble frozen in time. This hollowness bestows a curious lightness, a paradox given its appearance of solid metal. As you roll it across the table, it moves with an ethereal grace, almost as if it's aware of its ancient heritage and refuses to be bound by the laws of mere mortal games.

The numbers etched into each of its 100 faces are not simply inscribed; they are imbued with an elegance that suggests they were penned by scholars of yore, each digit a miniature masterpiece. The '100' face is particularly majestic, possibly hinting at some hidden power or fortune to the lucky roller. It's the sort of dice that wouldn't be out of place in the hands of a wizard, consulting it for divinations, or in a dragon's hoard, glittering amongst gems and gold.

When it comes to game nights, the Hollow D100 in Ancient Red Copper is not just a dice; it's a centerpiece, a conversation starter, an artifact that imbues your tabletop adventures with a touch of antiquity and magic. It's for those who appreciate the finer things in their questing, who understand that rolling this dice is not merely a throw, but a ceremony, a link to the mystical past of gaming and lore.