Pathfinder 2E: Stage Fright (Curtain Call Adventure Path part 1)


You've fought ghosts and goblins, dragons and demons, and so much more in your storied careers as adventurers, yet now you face what may be your most daunting challenge yet-creating an opera based on your heroic legacy! Of course, there's more afoot in the town of Kintargo than what's coming soon on stage, and as the production swings into high gear, unexpected and dangerous complications are sure to make themselves known. Fear of performing on the stage will soon be the least of your worries!

Rumors abound that an old enemy, a dangerous foe you defeated at the culmination of your first huge adventure, has come back. Yet confronting your old nemesis once again is only the beginning of what's next for your group, for a famous director has singled you out as the subject of her newest opera. How dangerous could it be, helping to produce an extravaganza based on your own heroic legacy?